Monday, May 9, 2011


Sitting on my front porch, I'm looking at the trees desperately trying to bud out so their leaves will grow and prosper, or is it I desperate for them to show up? I'm beginning to think I'm coming unhinged. Desperate is probably not the right word, frustrated is. I'm frustrated that spring is so late this year, I mean, really, almost mid-May and awaiting the leaves on the trees? Living in Minnesota Twins Territory isn't so hot either, Mauer is no where to be seen, Morneau shows up and that is about it. . . .what's going on?
Years ago, a therapist told me that I was arrogant, I knew what was right for my parents and brother...well sister, turns out I was right, tragically right. But ever since, I've worked on burying my thoughts as to not be arrogant. Sometime it works, sometimes it doesn't. Today, it didn't. I'm on a committee at the high school, which struggles with making decisions. Now I know that Minnesotans work hard to discuss things completely and not to hurt anyone's feelings, but oh my Lord, we think we have a plan, and then we don't. Things are not brought out on the table, people sit quietly and nod heads in agreement. But what is actually happening is the fine art of passive aggressive behavior.
So today the Jersey Girl came out. I called it as I saw it, I said what I meant and meant what I said...and perhaps became unhinged. . .perhaps became arrogant...but I gotta tell felt good.

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